Thursday, July 8, 2010

Decisions, Decisions.......

So, I have a bunch of ideas for topics to blog about, but I thought I would get your input.  If you would like my opinion on a particular topic (doesn't have to be listed below), I would love to share what I have learned or even do some new research for an answer. Here are the ideas currently floating around in my head.....
  • Resourceful Ways to Use Kitchen "Scraps"
  • Why Raw Milk?
  • How Not to Raise Picky Eaters
  • Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Cook Book Reviews
  • Soy
  • Gluten Intollerance
  • The Candida Problem / Cure
If any of those sound enticing or if you have another idea, please leave me a comment!


  1. Gosh, all of the above? :) Just go down the list - I'd love to hear about all of them. Am interested in what you've learned about hugh fructose corn syrup though, if I had to choose a fav. - Janece

  2. The risks of high fructose corn syrup.....books have been devoted to this single subject. I'll work on condensing into a blog post!

  3. Kelly,

    It's so good to hear that Matt is currently doing better. I definitely understand that it's a constant struggle, but I'm glad you've received some encouraging news lately.

    If you know of any nutritional cures for circulation and/or pressure sores (besides loading protien) or if you somehow hear of a cure for paralysis ;) we'd be up for trying anything.

    Let's hang out soon - if you ever need pics of your boys or fam, let me know.


  4. Tiff,
    You guys have been such an encouragement to us. It was no mistake that we were able to hang out with you guys and that Matt was able to talk with Kevin just days before his diagnosis. Kevin's strength was fresh on Matt's mind and helped him to keep things in perspective.
    If I had the cure for paralysis, I wouldn't be selling burp cloths to make money, haha!
    But seriously, the naturopath that we see (although she deals primarily with auto-immune) has patients that are wheel-chair bound. In fact, she was there herself at one time. I would imagine she has suggestions for circulation.
    We see her again in September, I'll ask.
    Or, you guys could give her a call or meet with her. Her name is Ann Boroch and her link is on this page!
    Let's definitely get together....I still have one of your dishes from last time!
